Friday, October 5, 2012

Thyroid Biopsy

I got to go in for the thyroid biopsy today at Banner Baywood hospital.  Can't think of anything I'd rather do!   Everyone was super nice, which makes such a difference!  My blood pressure was super high when they first took it.  Gee, just a tad nervous!  The nurse explained the procedure and said the doctor would stop and let me swallow in-between each extraction.  This freaked me out, because that is one thing I hate about the dentist! A nurse did another ultrasound and they had the finger clip and blood pressure hooked up during the procedure, which took about 15 minutes.  The doctor came in, Chris Davis, who was super nice.  He gave me the numbing shot, which wasn't fun.  Everyone has compared the shot to a bee sting.  Well, I've been stung by a wasp (in the neck, even!) and I didn't like it! The nurse who was watching my vitals held my arm and talked to me the whole time.  I could talk and swallow the whole time, so I was worried about that for nothing!  So there were 4 people in the room during the procedure.  Nurse holding my arm, Doctor sticking needles in my neck, nurse helping doctor, another nurse who took the samples from the doctor.  He took 5 samples, which I couldn't really feel, since I was numb by then.  I just felt pressure.  I got to walk out of there with a nice blue ice pack taped to my neck.  So all in all it was a bigger deal than I expected, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be! Results by Wednesday, and then we'll go from there.  One day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. ~shudder~ can't stand people touching my neck, just reading that gives me the eebie jeebies. Glad that part's over for you!
