Friday, June 18, 2010


I am reading "Knockout" by Suzanne Somers, which someone who is going through cancer suggested I read. I would suggest everyone read this book! I will NEVER do chemo, and I would beg anyone else not to either. I am feeling great, and feel so blessed to be so healthy and not have to do any treatments. Life is so, so good.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Downgrade - Great News!

Dr. Persky, the Tucson Lymphoma specialist called me today. He said that after reviewing my slides he is down-grading the cancer diagnosis from a 3A to a 1-2! So he says we will "Wait and Watch" as planned. I was hoping for news that it was a misdiagnosis and was never cancer in the first place. This is the next best thing, so I'll take it!! Happy Day!