Monday, April 19, 2010

One Day at a Time

I feel so much better this morning! I even got a decent amount of sleep for the first time since Thursday! It really made me feel better to talk to my kids last night. Ian was snuggling with me on the couch this morning watching "Baby Van Gogh" (it's great, have you seen it?) and I realized I will do it. I CAN do it. I have to do it. Emery came over later and I even danced to the "Wiggles". Wow, I didn't think I could be happy again. It's been a very stressful 4 days.

I went and got my blood test done (hope I get an "A"). One test down, 2 to go! And she only had to poke me once!


  1. I am so glad you have decided to go on with the treatments. If you need anything we are around the corner. By the way you could not have ended up with a better Surgeon,
    Dr. Stephanie Byrum is the best.

  2. Please call me. I was diagnosed 5 years ago with Large B-cell Lymphoma. 8 round of chemo, radiation and everything...If we can help...we will!!

    Dena (Weech)

  3. Wow! I have to say that I"m surprised! I'm sure you were too! Good luck with everything, we will keep you in our prayers!
    We need to have you all out to our house sometime! I keep saying I'll invite people over when I get all my pictures hung and the house decorated. But I'm realizing it might be a long time before that happens!

  4. Susie,
    WE are praying that all your tests come back normal and that you will be able to close this chapter in your life swiftly. There are many around you that love you. You can get through anything if you feel loved!

  5. I am glad she has you as another dance partner! I am getting really tired of dancing along with those wierd Wiggle guys! ;)
